Y has 95 translations in 19 languages

translations of Y

FR EN English 6 translations
FR ES Spanish 9 translations
FR IT Italian 8 translations
  • [in or at that place, lieu]
  • in quel posto (o) [lieu]
  • ivi (adv int n pronoun) [in or at that place]
  • vi (o) [droit, lieu, to or into that place; thither]
  • (o) [lieu]
  • ci (o) [droit, lieu, to or into that place; thither]
  • a ciò (o) [droit]
  • Y
FR DE German 9 translations
FR PT Portuguese 10 translations
FR NL Dutch 9 translations
FR SV Swedish 6 translations
FR CS Czech 4 translations
  • tam (adv int n pronoun) [in or at that place, to or into that place; thither]
  • Y
  • jasně (int) [you bet (certainly)]
  • to si piš (int) [you bet (certainly)] (int)
FR PL Polish 2 translations
FR DA Danish 4 translations
  • der [in or at that place]
  • Y
  • did (adv int n pronoun) [to or into that place; thither]
  • derhen (adv int n pronoun) [to or into that place; thither]
FR BG Bulgarian 3 translations
  • там [in or at that place] (tam)
  • ната́м (adv int n pronoun) [to or into that place; thither] (adv int n pronoun)
  • ната́тък (adv int n pronoun) [to or into that place; thither] (adv int n pronoun)
FR HU Hungarian 3 translations
  • ott [in or at that place]
  • Y
  • oda (adv int n pronoun) [to or into that place; thither]
FR AF Afrikaans 2 translations
FR RU Russian 5 translations
FR SL Slovenian 5 translations
  • tam
  • Y
  • tàm (adv int n pronoun) [in or at that place] (adv int n pronoun)
  • tjá (adv int n pronoun) [to or into that place; thither] (adv int n pronoun)
  • ER
FR ZH Chinese 4 translations
FR HI Hindi 1 translation
FR JA Japanese 2 translations
  • そこ [in or at that place, to or into that place; thither] (sokó)
  • あそこ (adv int n pronoun) [in or at that place, to or into that place; thither] (asokó)
FR VI Vietnamese 3 translations
  • đằng kia [in or at that place, to or into that place; thither]
  • đó (adv int n pronoun) [in or at that place]
  • Y