EN English dictionary from you can narrow down the search by entering the first name as well. to you can't get your own way all of the time
- You can narrow down the search by entering the first name as well.
- You can never tell what his next reaction will be.
- you can not
- you can only guess
- You can only open the door to the gym from the inside.
- You can overdo it, you know.
- You Can Play These Songs with Chords
- You can put down the mistake to her inexperience.
- You can put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig.
- You can put your coat over there.
- you can say goodby to that
- you can say goodbye to that
- you can say that again
- You can say that again.
- You can see them in many places.
- You can take a bath a week after the surgery.
- You can take it for granted that he will be late on Monday morning. He always is.
- You can take it for granted that she will show up. She never misses a good meal.
- you can talk
- You can talk till the cows come home!
- you can talk well
- you can talk!
- You can tell a lot about a person by the kind of car they drive.
- You can tell by her voice that she's got a cold.
- You can tell by his accent that he doesn't come from around here.
- you can tell by the look on his face
- You can tell by their face how straining it is.
- You can tell he's English from a mile away.
- you can thank your lucky stars
- You can use any of the contact facilities below.
- You can use italics or bold to emphasize single phrases.
- you can wait until kingdom comes
- You can watch the sunset very well here.
- You can whistle for it!
- you can't always have things your own way
- You can't argue with her success.
- You can't be everybody's darling
- You can't be serious!
- You can't be too careful.
- You Can't Cheat an Honest Man
- You can't distinguish the details from this distance.
- You can't enforce co-operation between the players.
- You can't even walk down the street without being continually pestered for money.
- You can't expect him to do it all on his own.
- You can't expect me to agree to that.
- You can't fool me with that old excuse.
- You can't fool me.
- You can't get blood out of a stone.
- You can't get there other than by foot.
- you can't get your own way all of the time