EN English dictionary from underlying disease to underpayment
- underlying disease
- underlying diseases
- underlying entitlement
- underlying inflation
- underlying instrument
- underlying instruments
- underlying principle
- underlying question
- underlying rate of inflation
- Underlying rock
- underlying security
- Underlying stratum
- underlying tendency
- underlying transaction
- undermanned
- undermatching
- undermentioned
- Undermentionned
- undermine
- undermine sb.'s position
- undermine sth.
- undermine sth. and expose it to attack
- undermost
- undern
- underneath
- underneath a tree
- Underneath her cool exterior she was very frightened.
- underneath his cool exterior
- underneath ridge
- underneath the Christmas tree
- underneath the desk
- underneath the exterior
- underneath the table
- underneath this
- Underneath Your Clothes
- Undernet
- undernourish
- undernourishment
- undernutrition
- Underoccupied
- underpacking
- underpacking blanket
- underpacking sheet
- Underpainting
- underpants
- underpart
- underpass
- underpasses
- underpay
- underpayment