EN English dictionary from run production at 50% to run the show
- run production at 50%
- Run ragged
- run rampant
- run rife
- run rings around so.
- run rings round s.o.
- run riot
- Run risks
- run roughshod
- run round
- run route
- run routes
- run s.o. over
- run salmon
- Run sb down
- Run sb out
- run sb. a bath
- run sb. a close second
- run sb. close
- run sb. down
- run sb. off his feet
- run sb. over
- run sb. ragged
- run sb. sth.
- run scared
- run short
- run short of
- run short of s.th.
- Run Silent Run Deep
- Run Silent, Run Deep
- run smoothly
- Run someone all over
- run someone down
- run someone through
- run something through
- run stamp
- run statement
- run steel
- Run sth to earth
- run sth. through the bath
- run the business into the ground
- run the engine on the chocks
- run the firm into the ground
- run the gamut
- Run the gamut of
- run the gamut of emotions
- run the gauntlet
- run the last leg
- run the risk
- run the show