EN English dictionary from refunding bond to refuse cell
- refunding bond
- refunding bonds
- refunding mortgage
- refunding of a fee
- refundings
- refundment
- refunds of overpaid tax
- refurbish
- refurbish a house
- refurbish sth.
- refurbished residential property
- refurbishment
- refurbishment of an office building
- refurbishment of an old building
- refurnish
- refusable
- refusal
- refusal of an order
- refusal of entry
- refusal of payment
- refusal of permission to land
- Refusal reason
- refusal to accept
- refusal to accept reality
- refusal to fight in a war
- refusal to give evidence
- refusal to obey orders
- refusal to pay
- Refusal to serve in the Israeli military
- refusal to take delivery
- refusal to testify
- refusal to work
- Refusals
- refusals of entry
- refuse
- refuse a chance
- refuse a patent
- refuse a request
- refuse a visa
- refuse access to sth.
- refuse an inheritance
- refuse an office
- refuse an order
- refuse bag
- refuse baling press
- refuse baling presses
- refuse bin
- refuse bluntly
- refuse burner
- refuse cell