EN English dictionary from on duty to on further acquaintance
- on duty
- on duty for the day
- on duty, in charge
- on dutys and forwards
- On Eagle's Wings
- on earth
- on easy terms
- on economic-political grounds
- on edge
- On Education, Especially in Early Childhood
- on either side
- on either side of the street
- on empty stomach
- on end
- on entering the room
- on entry
- on equal terms
- on even terms
- on every account
- on every hand
- on every matter
- on every side
- On examination
- on expiry of the prescriptive period
- on external economic policy grounds
- On Faces, Pictures, and their Truth
- on faith
- on falling below
- on false pretences
- On fatigue
- on favourable terms
- on favourite terms
- on fifth
- on file
- on fire
- on firm ground
- on first blush
- on first try
- on foot
- on footst
- On form
- on Friday
- on Friday evenings
- on Friday mornings
- on Friday next
- on Fridays
- On friendly terms with
- on full blast
- on furlough
- on further acquaintance