EN English dictionary from mulling over to multi user system
- mulling over
- Mullingar
- mullion
- mullion and transom
- mullion structure
- mullioned window
- Mullite
- mullock
- Mullsjö Municipality
- Mullus barbatus
- mulsing
- mulsopaque
- Mulsum
- Multan
- multangular
- Multatuli
- multee two-band antenna
- multeity
- multi
- multi access
- multi address computer
- multi ball bearing
- multi ball bearings
- multi chip
- multi component dosing unit
- multi core
- multi crew cockpit
- multi frequency code
- multi function unit
- Multi level
- multi level marketing
- multi level transmission
- Multi lingual
- multi link procedure
- multi media desk
- multi media table
- multi phase
- multi phase current
- multi ply yarn
- multi position system
- multi position systems
- multi purpose
- multi racial
- Multi Router Traffic Grapher
- multi station system
- multi station systems
- multi storey
- multi switch
- multi user computer
- multi user system