EN English dictionary from light truss to light-ageing
- light truss
- Light tube
- Light u
- light unit
- light up
- light up the fire
- light upon
- light value
- light valve , LV
- light variation
- light vector
- light velocity
- light vessel
- light wand
- light water
- Light water reactor
- light wave
- light wavelength
- light waves
- Light week
- light weight disc harrow
- light weight disk harrow
- light weight printing paper
- light weight torpedo
- light well
- light wells
- light welterweight
- light wheelchair
- light wheeled tank
- light wheeled tanks
- light whipping cream
- light wine
- light wooden box
- light wooden boxes
- Light Yagami
- light year
- light year , ly
- light years
- light years , ly
- light yeast
- Light yellow
- light yellow faeces
- light yellow feces
- Light yield
- light {lit, lighted
- light)
- light-absorptive
- light-activating
- light-activation
- light-ageing