EN English dictionary from hollow mill to hollow sections
- hollow mill
- hollow milling tool
- hollow mold
- hollow mould
- hollow moulding
- hollow mouldings
- hollow mount
- hollow needle
- hollow needles
- hollow newel stair
- hollow newel stairs
- hollow of a wave
- hollow of the hand
- Hollow of the knee
- hollow organ
- hollow organs
- hollow out
- hollow P-strip
- hollow part
- hollow peace
- hollow phrase
- hollow phrases
- hollow pin
- hollow piston jack
- hollow piston jacks
- Hollow place
- hollow plane
- hollow planes
- hollow plunger
- Hollow Point
- Hollow point bullet
- hollow profile
- hollow profiles
- hollow punch
- hollow punches
- hollow push rod
- Hollow Reed
- hollow rim
- hollow rivet
- hollow rivets
- hollow rod
- hollow rods
- hollow roll
- hollow scraper
- hollow screw
- hollow screws
- hollow section
- hollow section rim
- hollow section rims
- hollow sections