EN English dictionary from hachirogata to hackbuts
- Hachirogata
- Hachisuka's sunbird
- hachure
- Hacia-at
- hacienda
- Hacienda Heights
- Hacilar
- hack
- hack (''suchym kaszlem'')
- hack a computer system
- hack a horse
- Hack about
- Hack and slash
- Hack around
- hack at
- Hack down
- hack driver
- Hack lawyer
- hack licence
- Hack off
- hack on
- Hack out
- hack poet
- hack saw
- hack saw blade
- Hack saw frame
- hack sawing machine
- hack sawing machines
- hack someone off
- hack to pieces
- hack up
- Hack up to pieces
- Hack value
- hack watch
- hack writer
- hack writers
- hack-driver
- hack-log
- hack-saw
- hack-saw blade
- hack-silver
- hack-work
- hackable
- hackamore
- Hackathon
- hackberries
- hackberry
- Hackbridge
- hackbut
- hackbuts