EN English dictionary from defective functions to defence against terrorism
- defective functions
- defective goods
- defective hearing
- defective material
- defective material and workmanship
- defective memory
- defective parts
- Defective phage
- Defective pixel
- defective pleading
- Defective prophage
- defective proteinaemia
- defective proteinemia
- defective quality
- defective ratio
- defective title
- defective verb
- Defective virus
- defective vision
- defective wool
- defective workmanship
- defective, faulty
- defective, non-conforming, incorrect
- defectively
- defectiveness
- defectivepport
- defectivet
- defectivew
- defectivity
- defectology
- defector
- defector in place
- defectors
- defectoscope
- defects caused by inbreeding
- defects in form
- defects in quality
- defects in the service
- defects in title
- defects of lay
- defects of title
- defects of twisting
- defelt sth.
- defeminise
- defeminize
- defence
- defence accord
- defence against herbivores
- defence against terror
- defence against terrorism