EN English dictionary from battle of cape spartivento to battle of chosin reservoir
- Battle of Cape Spartivento
- Battle of Cape St Vincent
- Battle of Caporetto
- Battle of Capua
- Battle of Carabobo
- Battle of Carchemish
- Battle of Carham
- Battle of Carillon
- Battle of Carpi
- Battle of Carrhae
- Battle of Carrickfergus
- Battle of Cartagena de Indias
- Battle of Carthage
- Battle of Caseros
- Battle of Cassano
- Battle of Cassel
- Battle of Castagnaro
- Battle of Castelfidardo
- Battle of Castiglione
- Battle of Castillon
- Battle of Castricum
- Battle of Cedynia
- Battle of Celaya
- Battle of Cer
- Battle of Ceresole
- Battle of Cerignola
- Battle of Cerro Corá
- Battle of Cerro Gordo
- Battle of Ceuta
- Battle of Chacabuco
- Battle of Chaeronea
- Battle of Chalcis
- Battle of Chaldiran
- Battle of Chalons
- Battle of Champaubert
- Battle of Chancellorsville
- Battle of Changde
- Battle of Changsha
- Battle of Chapultepec
- Battle of Chemulpo Bay
- Battle of Chengpu
- Battle of Cherbourg
- Battle of Chernaya River
- Battle of Chesma
- Battle of Chiari
- Battle of Chickamauga
- Battle of Chipana
- Battle of Chippawa
- Battle of Cholet
- Battle of Chosin Reservoir