EN English dictionary from apparent solubility to appeal to novelty
- apparent solubility
- apparent solution
- Apparent superluminal motion
- apparent temperature
- apparent to the naked eye
- apparent value
- apparent vertical
- apparent viscosity
- apparent voltage
- Apparent wind
- apparently
- apparently source width
- apparentness
- apparition
- apparitional
- apparitions
- Apparitor
- Appartment
- Appartus
- appassionato
- appeal
- appeal (to
- appeal a judgement at a higher court
- appeal against
- Appeal against a decision
- appeal against a remand in custody
- appeal against remand in custody
- appeal against the tax assessment
- Appeal Court
- appeal division
- appeal for
- appeal for donations
- Appeal for help
- Appeal for sth
- appeal hearing
- appeal of forbidden fruits
- appeal of novelty
- appeal on an institutional issue
- appeal procedure
- appeal proceedings
- appeal proceedingses
- appeal process
- appeal to
- Appeal to authority
- Appeal to consequences
- Appeal to emotion
- Appeal to fear
- appeal to hold out
- appeal to make savings
- Appeal to novelty