EN English dictionary from affiliations to affirmer
- affiliations
- affiliative
- affinage
- Affinal kin
- affination
- affine
- Affine cipher
- Affine combination
- Affine connection
- Affine coordinate system
- affine function
- affine geometry
- affine group
- Affine hull
- affine Lie algebra
- affine plotting
- affine space
- affine transformation
- affined
- Affinely extended real number system
- Affing
- affinities
- affinity
- Affinity chromatography
- affinity for sulfur
- affinity for sulphur
- affinity fraud
- Affinity group
- affinity to the fiber
- affinity to the fibre
- affinograph
- affinographs
- affirm
- affirmable
- affirmance
- affirmation
- affirmations
- affirmative
- affirmative action
- affirmative defence
- affirmative defense
- affirmative reply
- affirmative sentence
- affirmative statement
- affirmative vote
- affirmative votes
- affirmatively
- affirmativeness
- Affirmatory
- affirmer